In Britain as well there were numerous stories circulating of burnt bodies in German Army uniforms being washed up along the English southeast coast.[8] These stories were almost certainly triggered by a UPC supporting rumour which claimed that the Germans had attempted several small-scale invasions, all of which had been beaten off with devastating losses to them. "In fact none are alive to tell. Thousands of floating German corpses have been washed ashore," the rumour concluded.[9] Rumours of abortive German invasions became so pervasive that several concerned members of the British public enquired of the Ministry of Information what they were intending to do to counter such dangerous gossip. For example, the Ministry received the following letter as late as January 1942:

Throughout England and Wales there is a story being told of how Germany tried to invade us nearly two years ago. They were defeated by the RAF and the Fleet. Oil was thrown on the briny, and was set alight and the barges were all burnt. Thousands of scorched bodies of the enemy drifted ashore and were buried on the South coast. When it is pointed out that your Ministry could use this defeat for propaganda purposes, it is then pointed out that its announcement would increase the complacency of the British public. I suggest that an authoritative denial should be made of the story.[10]

The Ministry of Information replied that they did not think the rumour was very widespread and that an authoritative denial would have the undesirable effect of increasing its prevalence. Perhaps that was the wrong decision as the story of burnt German soldiers washing ashore after an abortive invasion attempt of England is a rumour that is still believed by some to this very day.
