On Tuesday, June 23, 2020, New York State is holding a primary election which was delayed due to COVID-19. The contests are federal and state offices, and some party committee memberships.

Your next chance to vote in New York City elections, like for mayor, will not be until 2021.

If you're registered as a Democrat, you will be given that party's ballot and allowed to vote. It is too late now to change your party affiliation and you cannot do it on voting day.

To check your registration status, use this website. If you see "Party: DEM" then you can vote in this primary!

If you don't want to go to a polling place, request an absentee ballot. Because so many people will be voting by absentee ballot, don't expect results on Election Day this time!

To see who is running in the contests on your ballot, use this website. Tips: you don't need to put in anything in the email form field, and your street address should include the entire address, for example "100 W 20th St." with the W.

It can be hard to research these races, New York State is fairly liberal in allowing candidates onto the ballot. Some candidates are not running serious campaigns, or are colorful neighborhood characters like Paperboy Love Prince.

Unlike the presidential races, polling is not widespread in these races, and turnout can be extremely low. I recommend checking out the candidate's social media accounts and searching for them in local media to see how serious they are and whether you agree with their stances.

There are multiple competitive Congressional primaries on the ballot this year. Here's an article about four of them, with information about endorsements from AOC, Justice Democrats. etc.

Here in NY-12, I'm supporting Suraj Patel. If I lived in NY-10, I'd vote for Lindsay Boylan.

Is there anything else you want to know about the upcoming election? Please ask me!